mar 12

Looking for translators!

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

IURIDICO Legal & Financial Translations sp. z o.o. zaprasza do współpracy tłumaczy języka angielskiego, francuskiego, niemieckiego, hiszpańskiego i włoskiego w celu wspólnego startu i późniejszej realizacji kontraktu na tłumaczenia pisemne na język polski dla Parlamentu Europejskiego. IURIDICO jest wieloletnim wykonawcą tłumaczeń dla instytucji unijnych, w tym w ramach aktualnie kończącego się kontraktu z…

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lut 1

ISO 24495-1:2023 Plain language — Part 2: Legal Writing and Drafting

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

ISO/AWI 24495-2 is the second part of the Plain Language series, and today we will have a look at its principles and guidelines. This standard aims to improve written communication in many areas, such as government, medicine, business, law, and more. Following the rules and ideas established in the standard can help organisations…

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sty 24

Navigating the OCR Software

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

The range of options available in the ever-evolving field of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software might be quite astonishing. Choosing the right OCR tool is crucial, regardless of whether you are a business professional looking for sophisticated functionalities or an individual with occasional personal needs. Today, multiple paid and free OCR software options are…

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sty 19

OCR. How it’s made?

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

In the 1990s, considerable advancements were made in the recognition of multilingual printed text. However, the problems with handwritten symbols presented a barrier to conventional character recognition techniques, making the decoding of a handwritten text much more complicated. The main problem was that robots, unlike humans, could not identify the boundaries between characters.…

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sty 15

Black’s Law Dictionary

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Today, we will start our series of articles about Black’s Law Dictionary. Do you use this invaluable resource in your professional activities? Black’s Law Dictionary: Author: Henry Campbell Black First edition: released in 1891 Publishing company: West Publishing The year 1990: the first mention of the Westlaw online legal search by the Centennial…

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sty 11

The world of terminology search tools. Part 5.

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Today we conclude our series on search engine optimisation. In this final post, we will discuss linguistic tools such as the GEMET Thesaurus, the Glosbe dictionary, the GloWbE linguistic resource, the Linguee dictionary, and more.  The General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus (GEMET) GEMET is a comprehensive thesaurus designed to categorise and locate environmental information in…

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gru 6

The world of terminology search tools. Part 4.

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Today we’ll continue our discussion of terminology search tools, looking at the EMA Medical Terms Simplifier, the Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary and the Green Facts Glossary. So let’s get started.  EMA Medical Terms Simplifier  The EMA Medical Terms Simplifier does more than simplify complex medical terminology. The main aim of this tool is to…

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lis 13

The world of terminology search tools. Part 3.

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

As part of our series on terminology research tools, today we would like to highlight the British National Corpus (BNC) and the Catalan Centre for Terminology (TERMCAT) as two constructive resources that can help you in your search for accurate and comprehensive terminology.  British National Corpus (BNC)  The British National Corpus (BNC) is…

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paź 25

The world of terminology search tools. Part 2.

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Our previous article discussed various terminology search tools related to the European Union (EU) and its institutions. We would like to expand on that discussion and look at other tools that are equally important and provide valuable insights.  So today we will talk about the AGROVOC Thesaurus, the BabelNet network, the CITES lexicon…

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paź 17

The world of terminology search tools. Part 1.

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Accessing accurate and relevant information quickly is essential in today’s information age. If you are a student, researcher, content creator or professional in any field, you can often struggle with complex and varied terminology. This is where terminology search tools can come in handy. They are a lifeline for those who need precision…

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