maj 23


Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

#IURIDICOMasterClass is the premier platform for mastering the complexities of legal language, legal and EU translation, and English for law. As industry leaders, we have designed specialized courses to equip legal professionals, translators, interpreters, and those interested in EU and legal translation, with the requisite skills and knowledge to excel in their respective fields.…

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maj 15


Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Poszukujemy osób, które dołączą do naszego zespołu wewnętrznego w Gdańsku. ⚠️ Możliwa współpraca stacjonarna, hybrydowa lub zdalna. Jeśli posiadasz doświadczenie praktyczne w obsłudze językowej instytucji unijnych i jesteś zainteresowany(a) pracą z tekstami Komisji Europejskiej, Parlamentu Europejskiego, TSUE, Europejskiego Banku Centralnego, to skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem praca@iuridico.pl ✅ Oferujemy zatrudnienie na umowę o…

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maj 15

Dołącz do elitarnego zespołu tłumaczy unijnych konsorcjum INVENIRE & IURIDICO!

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

INVENIRE i IURIDICO, dwie wiodące marki w dziedzinie tłumaczeń instytucjonalnych na polskim rynku, łączą siły, aby stworzyć wyjątkowe konsorcjum. Chcemy wspólnie tworzyć nową jakość w obszarze tłumaczeń unijnych i zaoferować Wam możliwość pracy z najlepszymi w branży! 📢 Poszukujemy doświadczonych tłumaczy unijnych EN-PL, którzy chcą dołączyć do naszego zespołu tworzonego na potrzeby przetargu…

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maj 15

The True Cost of Professional Translation Services: A Deep Dive into ISO Compliance

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Professional translation services are not merely about converting words from one language to another; they involve a sophisticated process designed to capture the nuances, cultural sensitivities, and technical accuracy necessary for effective communication. This process, especially when compliant with rigorous standards such as ISO 17100, ISO 27001, and ISO 20771, includes several elements,…

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kw. 28

Translation quality standards

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Translation quality standards consist of a comprehensive set of guidelines and principles that establish the expected level of quality for translation services. These standards are implemented to ensure that translations are not only precise and culturally appropriate but also cater to the specific requirements of the target audience. The primary objective of these…

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kw. 26

Microsoft and OpenAI’s partnership

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Microsoft has recently partnered with OpenAI to enhance the development of AI-powered translation technologies. As two of the leading players in artificial intelligence and machine learning, this collaboration is set to result in substantial improvements to the quality of machine translations. OpenAI is a leading research organization that has made significant contributions to…

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kw. 19

The importance of quality control in translation and localization

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Translation and localization are vital processes for businesses looking to expand their global reach and effectively communicate with diverse audiences. However, ensuring translated content’s accuracy, consistency, and cultural appropriateness can take time and effort. That’s where quality control comes into play. Today, we will discuss the significance of quality control in translation and…

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kw. 17

How to write disease names

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

When it comes to translating diseases, accuracy and consistency are crucial. In writing, the correct naming and formatting of disease names are essential for clear communication, proper documentation, and adherence to professional standards. Today, we will speak about some critical guidelines on how to write the names of diseases in English. One of…

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kw. 12

Beyond borders: the role of translation in a connected world

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Today translation connects people across languages, facilitating communication, collaboration and cross-cultural dialogue, breaking down barriers, and fostering a sense of global community. The translation is vital for global businesses to communicate with diverse audiences, tailor products/services, and build relationships with customers from different linguistic backgrounds. It helps navigate cultural nuances, language-specific regulations, and…

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kw. 3

IURIDICO punctuation guide

Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz

Punctuation is a fundamental component of written communication that transmits meaning and explicit language. Punctuation marks help to create structure, emphasize certain words or phrases, indicate pauses, and provide the reader with hints to understand the importance of a sentence. This post will explore some of the main reasons why punctuation is essential.…

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