Lost in translation: today, we will speak about cases where translations have failed to communicate original meaning or intent accurately.
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
Language is a complex and nuanced system, with words and phrases often having multiple meanings and cultural contexts. As such, translation is a challenging task that requires both linguistic proficiency and an understanding of cultural nuances and references. Despite the best efforts of translators, there have been numerous instances where translations have failed…
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IURIDICO poszukuje tłumaczy i weryfikatorów do zespołu wewnętrznego!
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
Jeśli potrafisz znaleźć drogę przez zawiłe labirynty terminologii prawnej, finansowej oraz unijnej i sprawia Ci to frajdę, a angielski to Twój język roboczy, przeczytaj dalej! 📖🧐 Dołącz do nas, jeśli jesteś: 🕵️♂️ Detektywem językowym i uwielbiasz rozwiązywać prawnicze, finansowe i unijne zagadki terminologiczne. 🌟 Pasjonatem/-ką języka angielskiego i polskiego, który/-a potrafi przekształcić prawniczy…
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BIG NEWS! New contract with Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union!
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
IURIDICO is pleased to officially announce that we were recently awarded a contract for legal translations by the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union. We have been appointed as the main contractor for the language pair EN – PL. Working with EU institutions is an excellent opportunity for any translation company.…
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Translating Europe Workshops
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
We are delighted to invite you to the Translating Europe Workshops event on „Translation technologies in specialised and institutional translation: Room for collaboration across sectors” organized by the Translation Studies Department at the University of Gdansk, Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission (DGT), and IURIDICO Legal & Financial Translations. The event will take place…
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False friends in translation
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
Today we will talk about so-called „false friends”, which are words that look or sound similar in two different languages but have different meanings. These can be a common trap for translators, leading to severe misunderstandings if not appropriately handled. To avoid such errors, you should be conscious of the concept of false…
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Court transcripts
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
In Poland, forensic evidence can be submitted in various formats, including written documents, photographs, and audio or video recordings. However, there are specific rules regarding the admissibility of evidence. Anyway, it is up to the judge to decide whether to accept an audio recording as evidence in a particular case. Today we are…
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The basic steps to translating legal texts. IURIDICO guide.
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
Translating legal documents can be challenging, and even minor errors can have significant consequences. Today, we’d like to share with you our quick guide to translating legal documents.
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Legal Translation ethics: confidentiality, impartiality, and cultural sensitivity
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
Legal translation is a specialized field that requires fluency in multiple languages and a clear understanding of legal concepts, terminology and principles. In addition to these skills, legal translation also demands high ethical standards to ensure confidentiality, impartiality, and cultural sensitivity, which are the key ethical considerations in this domain. 🌀 Confidentiality. Legal…
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BIG NEWS! PARTNERSHIP with Juremy – learning from the best!
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
A partnership is critical to achieving success in any industry or endeavour. No matter your goals, working with others can help you achieve them faster, more efficiently, and with a more significant impact. In today’s rapidly changing and interconnected world, seeking out the best partnership is more important than ever. IURIDICO is thrilled…
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Quality is the best business plan
Dodano przezTatiana Mankiewicz
IURIDICO is delighted to announce that we have been recertified for compliance with ISO 17100:2015 and ISO 20771:2020 standards, designed to confirm quality in the translation industry. As a leading provider of legal and financial translation services, this recertification underscores our ongoing commitment to delivering accurate and reliable translations to our clients. ISO…
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