Unlock the secrets of Contract Drafting with our exclusive 4-part course!

Join us for a specialized 4-part course, in which we delve into the complex evolution of contract drafting principles in various common law jurisdictions and their importance to international contracts, specifically in EU civil law jurisdictions. Each one-hour session is designed to provide experienced commercial lawyers in the EU with a better understanding of how key common law principles in contracts have evolved over time in a variety of diverse legal landscapes, potential drafting differences for common vs. civil law legal systems, risks of misapplication or misinterpretation and mitigation strategies, in addition to both legislative and case law examples.

Gain valuable insights!

Program includes:

  • Session 1: Evolution of Contract Principles in Common Law
  • Session 2: Common Law vs. Civil Law Approaches to Contracts
  • Session 3: Key Differences in Standard Clauses
  • Session 4: Disputes Arising from Misinterpretation & Application Risks

Who should attend:

  • Legal directors and corporate counsel
  • Practising lawyers
  • Legal practitioners advising international trading companies
  • Business people involved in international trade
  • Lawyer-linguists and legal translators

Participants will learn how to:

  • evolve their understanding of key common law principles as we dive deep into the foundational principles that underpin common law contracts to understand their historical context, development, and practical application in modern legal practice.
  • navigate the nuances of drafting in different common law jurisdictions. Gain insight into the unique challenges and considerations when drafting cross-border contracts in civil law jurisdictions and learn how to adapt your approach to suit these distinct legal systems.
  • identify potential pitfalls and risks associated with contract drafting, and discover effective strategies to minimize misapplication or misinterpretation.
  • learn how precise language and clear terms can reduce risk for your client.
  • understand contract principles in action via analysing real legislative and case law examples

By the end of this course, participants will build on their foundational knowledge of contract drafting and expand their legal toolkit to more effectively draft cross-border contracts, and better navigate the intricacies of varying common law legal systems. You have an invaluable opportunity to advance your legal knowledge and the area of contract law. Take action today and secure your path to success!

🗓️ Schedule: 07.11.2023 – 28.11.2023, 6 PM, 4 x 90 minutes

📍Location:  ZOOM

TRAINER: Alexander Slonim | Managing Director & Principal Lawyer | Tenet Law

Alexander is an experienced legal, commercial and corporate finance professional with experience in both private and public sectors. His experience in the legal field includes providing consulting services for large multinational clients at a Big Four firm and private practice work with corporate law firms focusing on commercial contracts, M&A, civil litigation, negotiations, immigration, employment/labour matters and other practice areas. Additionally, he provided multi-lingual legal research, document drafting, and advisory support to the UN Office of Legal Affairs in Vienna and UN Office of Counter-Terrorism in New York, which focused on multilateral legal treatises, parliamentary frameworks, international commercial law, litigation, and ADR methods.

He is the Founder and Principal Lawyer of Tenet Law in Canada, which leverages not only his diverse experience and unique skillset, but an international network of business professionals to provide distinctly tailored legal services to a multitude of diverse individual, corporate, and non-profit clients. His prior career expertise in corporate finance in the energy industry focused on enterprise/asset valuations, M&A, statutory interpretation, commercial deals, international fiscal/tax regimes, contract evaluation, financial analysis, negotiations, technical research, strategy development, leadership, and project management.

Our partner:

Tenet Law boasts a wealth of expertise in enterprise valuations, M&A, and commercial deals, among other areas. They have a diverse legal background spanning a range of sectors, from technology to energy. However, their unparalleled international public sector expertise is what truly sets them apart, gained through their work with international consulting firms and two United Nations Commissions.

📌 Seats are limited: enrol in this exclusive course and secure your path to excellence in contract drafting.

Contact us: courses@iuridico.pl




Polityka rezygnacji:

  1. Uczestnik mający status konsumenta lub przedsiębiorcy-konsumenta, który zawarł umowę o udział w warsztatach, szkoleniu lub kursie może od niej odstąpić bez podania przyczyn składając stosowne oświadczenie na piśmie w terminie 14 dni od dnia zawarcia umowy (przesłania formularza zgłoszeniowego). W takim przypadku, Uczestnik jest zwolniony z obowiązku zapłaty za warsztaty, szkolenie lub kurs, a uiszczona opłata podlega zwrotowi. Rezygnacja z udziału w warsztatach złożona w terminie późniejszym lub nieobecność zgłoszonej osoby na warsztatach, szkoleniu lub kursie nie zwalnia z obowiązku zapłaty całości ceny za warsztaty, szkolenie lub kurs. W przypadku, gdy warsztaty, szkolenie lub kurs – za zgodą uczestnika – rozpoczynają się przed upływem 14 dni od daty zawarcia umowy Uczestnikowi nie przysługuje prawo odstąpienia od umowy. Obowiązująca jest pisemna forma rezygnacji z udziału w warsztatach, szkoleniu lub kursie. W przypadku podjęcia decyzji o odstąpieniu od umowy należy dostarczyć osobiście lub przesłać stosowne oświadczenie pocztą lub e-mailem do Organizatora. Nie dokonanie wpłaty nie jest jednoznaczne z odstąpieniem od Umowy (rezygnacją z warsztatów, szkoleniu lub kursu).
  2. W przypadku odwołania warsztatów, szkoleniu lub kursu z przyczyn leżących po stronie Organizatora, uczestnikowi przysługuje prawo zwrotu 100% kosztów uczestnictwa.
  3. W przypadku odwołania warsztatów, szkolenia lub kursu z przyczyn niezależnych od Organizatora, które uniemożliwią przeprowadzenie warsztatów, uczestnikowi przysługuje prawo zwrotu 100% kosztów uczestnictwa.

Dokonując rejestracji na warsztaty, szkolenie lub kurs wyrażasz zgodę na przetwarzanie danych osobowych zgodnie z naszą POLITYKĄ PRYWATNOŚCI i na postanowienia REGULAMINU.