Professional translation services are not merely about converting words from one language to another; they involve a sophisticated process designed to capture the nuances, cultural sensitivities, and technical accuracy necessary for effective communication. This process, especially when compliant with rigorous standards such as ISO 17100, ISO 27001, and ISO 20771, includes several elements, each contributing to the overall cost of the service.

✅ Qualified Professionals: Compliance with ISO 17100 requires that all translators, revisers, and other professionals involved in the translation process meet specific qualifications. Continuous professional development is also vital to keep up with the evolving language landscape, adding another layer to the cost.

✅ Revision: Every translated document undergoes a revision by a second qualified professional. This step ensures linguistic and cultural accuracy and cohesiveness in the translated content.
Project Management: Effective project management is integral for smooth workflow coordination, resource assignment, and quality control.

✅ Customer Service: Clear and responsive communication with clients ensures the translation meets specific requirements and expectations.

✅ Technical Resources: Investment in specialized software and hardware, including advanced translation memory tools and terminology databases, is essential for efficiency and consistency. Continuous improvement of these tools also contributes to the cost.

✅ Quality Assurance: This stage ensures the translation meets the agreed quality standards and client specifications.
Information Security and Confidentiality: Compliance with ISO 27001 and ISO 20771 necessitates an investment in robust security measures to protect sensitive client data and ensure confidentiality, thereby adding to the overall cost.

✅ Compliance and Audit Costs: Meeting the stringent requirements of ISO 17100, ISO 27001, and ISO 20771 involves significant costs of audits, trainings, and certifications.

Each of these components represents an investment of time, effort, and resources, and all are factored into the cost of professional translation services.

A price that seems too good to be true may suggest corners being cut, and compromises in the process: unqualified translators, a lack of revision, inadequate quality assurance, or weak security measures – all of which jeopardize the quality and accuracy of the final product.

Cost-effectiveness is always a consideration, but the true value of a professional, ISO-compliant translation service lies not just in its price, but also in the quality of its output and the peace of mind it provides. Accurate, effective communication is an investment that yields significant returns, especially in fields where precision is paramount and the consequences of miscommunication can be severe.